Collection G Access level Public
Symbol G/SG/N/6/KGZ/5 ; G/SG/N/8/KGZ/3 ; G/SG/N/10/KGZ/3 ; G/SG/N/11/KGZ/1 Status Complete
Date 07/01/2016 Derestricted on
Doc # 16-0138
English title Committee on Safeguards - Notification under article 12.1(a) of the Agreement on Safeguards on initiation of an investigation and the reasons for it - Notification under article 12.1(b) of the Agreement on Safeguards on finding a serious injury or threat thereof caused by increased imports - Notification pursuant to article 12.1(c) of the Agreement on Safeguards - Notification pursuant to article 9, footnote 2, of the Agreement on Safeguards - Kyrgyz Republic - Harvesters and modules thereof
French title Comité des sauvegardes - Notification, au titre de l'Accord 12:1 a) de l'Accord sur les sauvegardes, de l'ouverture d'une enquête et des raisons de cette action - Notification, au titre de l'article 12:1 b) de l'Accord sur les sauvegardes, de la constatation de l'existence d'un dommage grave ou d'une menace de dommage grave causé par un accroissement des importations - Notification au titre de l'article 12:1 c) c de l'Accord sur les sauvegardes - Notification au titre de l'article 9, note de bas de page 2, de l'Accord sur les sauvegardes - République kirguize - Moissonneuses et leurs modules
Spanish title Comité de Salvaguardias - Notificación en virtud del párrafo 1 a) del artículo 12 del Acuerdo sobre Salvaguardias relativa a la iniciación de un proceso de investigación y a los motivos del mismo - Notificación en virtud del párrafo 1 b) del artículo 12 del Acuerdo sobre Salvaguardias relativa a la constatación de existencia de daño grave o amenaza de daño grave a causa del aumento de las importaciones - Notificación de conformidad con el párrafo 1 c) del artículo 12 del Acuerdo sobre Salvaguardias - Notificación de conformidad con la nota 2 al artículo 9 del Acuerdo sobre Salvaguardias - República Kirguisa - Cosechadoras y sus módulos
Keywords safeguards ; safeguards investigations ; domestic industry ; injury
Country / territory mainly concerned Kyrgyz Republic
Other countries / territories mentioned
Bodies Committee on Safeguards
Articles SG 12.1.a ; SG 12.1.b ; SG 12.1.c ; SG 9.1
Products machinery (harvesting or threshing)
Pages English 4
Pages French 5
Pages Spanish 5
Document type Notification
Country/territory notifying (01) Kyrgyz Republic
Country/territory affected (01)
Country/territory notifying (02) Kyrgyz Republic
Country/territory affected (02)
Country/territory notifying (03) Kyrgyz Republic
Country/territory affected (03)
Country/territory notifying (04) Kyrgyz Republic
Country/territory affected (04)
Name (01) Agreement on Safeguards Art. 12.1(a) - initiation
Short name (01) SG Art. 12.1(a) - initiation
Topics (01) Safeguards
Measure type (01) Safeguard measures (initiation)
Periodicity (01) Ad hoc
Members req. to Notify (01) WTO Members taking action
Name (02) Agreement on Safeguards Art. 12.1(b) - finding
Short name (02) SG Art. 12.1(b) - finding
Topics (02) Safeguards
Measure type (02) Safeguard measures (finding)
Periodicity (02) Ad hoc
Members req. to Notify (02) WTO Members taking action
Name (03) Agreement on Safeguards Art. 12.1(c) - decision
Short name (03) SG Art. 12.1(c) - decision
Topics (03) Safeguards
Measure type (03) Safeguard measures (decision)
Periodicity (03) Ad hoc
Members req. to Notify (03) WTO Members taking safeguard action
Name (04) Agreement on Safeguards Art. 9.1 footnote 2
Short name (04) SG Art. 9.1 footnote 2
Topics (04) Safeguards
Measure type (04) Deferred application / non-application (SG)
Periodicity (04) Ad hoc
Members req. to Notify (04) WTO Members (not applying safeguard measure to developing country products)
HS (2007) 843351, 843390
HS (2007) 843351, 843390
HS (2007) 843351, 843390
HS (2007) 843351, 843390